8:24 PM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Boo. =]
Pics requested by Navin =]
Zairil Was freaking hilarious.
Zairil to Navin: "You going VJ right? its even in your name" LOL LOL LOL. Hilarious guy
I love him =] he noes it. HHAhahahahah
and of course, your chatter box who raids people's phone.
Zairil, this is GROSS
The Lame Game
a spongebob that tortures my phone too. T_T
Ultra happy
Quite happy
depressed -.-.
sorry if you puked out ur lunch =X
I rock. ^^
9:46 AM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Ahhh, i miss you all very much.
All the best for friday's training (:
ekissi jiamin.